Keneset HaLev
Community of the Heart
High Holy Days in Golden Gate Park
October 2-3 and 11-12, 2024 / 5785
San Francisco County Fair Building - 9th Avenue & Lincoln, SF
Participatory Indoor/Outdoor Services
By Donation - No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds
Join our inclusive community for song, celebration, meditation, discussion and teshuva (repair & return). Our participatory, post-denominational services feature creative Traditional, Renewal and Earth-Based Jewish liturgy in Hebrew and English.
With service leaders Maggid-Chaplain Jonathan Furst, Cantorial Soloist Jessica Richman and special guests -- including Reb Ron Zucker, Rabbi Amashé Etz Alon, the KHL Band ... and perhaps you!
Wheelchair Accessible ~ Come Fragrance-Free
Please covid-test before coming (tests also available at the door).
Register now at
Want to help? Spread the word on facebook
or email info@kenesethalev.org to sign up to lead, read or volunteer.
Schedule of Services
Wednesday, October 2, 6:30 PM (doors open 6:00p)
Join us for a brief Kiddush with apples and honey following services.
Bring your musical instruments.
Thursday, October 3, 10:00 AM (doors open 9:30a)
Shofar service, Vegetarian Potluck and Tashlich at conclusion of service.
Bring your shofar/musical instruments and veggie dish (utensils/plates encouraged).
Friday, October 11, 6:30 PM (doors open 6:00p)
KHL does not play musical instruments on Kol Nidre.
Saturday, October 12, 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM (doors open 9:30a)
Join us for a free vegetarian break-fast after Neilah, provided by Keneset HaLev.
~ Morning Services - 10:00 am
~ Yiskor Remembrance Service - 2:00pm
~ Afternoon Workshops - TBA
~ Concluding Service / Neilah - 6:00pm (bring your shofar!)
~ Break-the-Fast Dinner (free) - 7:00pm
We are an inclusive community in San Francisco which provides an intimate, joyous, and nurturing environment for Jewish spiritual practice to flourish.
We take a post-denominational, heart-centered and mystical approach, inspired by Traditional, Progressive, Renewal, Chassidic, and Earth-based strands of Judaism. All are welcome.
Street Seder with the
SF Night Ministry
This Friday!
4/26/24 - 4:45pm
16th Street BART Station
SouthWest corner of 16th & Mission, SF
Once we were slaves in Mitzraim. Now we are free ... All who are hungry, let them come eat!
KHL is joining the San Francisco Night Ministry and other SF communities for SFNM’s first ever Street Seder. This is an invitation to celebrate Passover through acts of service, serving dinner for hundreds of our neighbors in the Mission neighborhood and helping create an open seder where all who come are welcome.
Come in person or help prepare ahead of time.